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Al Harris Library Chemical References


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Chemical References

Use the resources below for information about chemical names, structures, and properties. These resources can be searched by chemical name, CAS Registry Number, molecular formula or weight, InChIKey, or by structure.

  • ChemBioFinder
    A chemistry and biology index to nearly 2 million compounds. Entries typically include links to additional information from other websites. (Free registration required.)
  • ChemIDplus
    Detailed information on over 400,000 chemicals, including links to relevant journal citations in PubMed MEDLINE.
  • ChemSpider
    A chemical structure database providing fast access to over 34 million structures, properties, and associated information. (Also see SyntheticPages for chemical reactions.)
  • PubChem
    PubChem is the National Library of Medicine's database of chemistry information for scientists, students, and the general public.
  • No restrictions; available to everyone.
  • Simultaneous users: unlimited
  • Publisher: Varies