Browse Best Bets for the most popular History databases. Click More Databases to see more resources.
Academic Video Online is a streaming video collection containing thousands of video titles in a wide range of disciplines, including biology, business, education, healthcare, the humanities, the physical sciences, and the social sciences. The Academic Video Online collection can be browsed or searched by discipline.
AVO was previously named VAST: Academic Video Online.
Formerly known as VAST: Academic Video Online.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Alexander Street Press
- Type of resource:
- Videos
This collection from the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) documents the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction and provide access to the most comprehensive digital collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and 1877.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Language & Literature
- Political Science
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: American Antiquarian Society
- Type of resource:
- Journals
Access over 5000 full text, audio, and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events.
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- History
- Political Science
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Publisher: American Rhetoric
- Type of resource:
- Music Streaming & Audiobooks
- Primary Sources
- Pro & Con
- Videos
This resource is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of Indigenous culture, history, and life in North America. It contains citations for newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, reviews, and trade publications. BIPNA will appeal to anyone interested in exploring the contributions and lived experiences of North America's Indigenous peoples.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- Business
- Language & Literature
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Psychology
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Journals
The DPLA brings together digitized works from America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes these materials freely available. Use the DPLA to find written works (including articles, books, and plays), photographs, videos, sound recordings, and data sets.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Language & Literature
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: DPLA
- Publisher: DPLA
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Images
- Journals
- Primary Sources
Encyclopaedia Judaica provides an exhaustive and organized overview of Jewish life and knowledge. Entries chronicle Jewish history, archaeology, literature, culture, theology, and practice from the distant past to the present. The Encyclopaedia includes extensive entries on Holocaust studies, the Bible, women's studies, Jewish mysticism, and social history.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Language & Literature
- Political Science
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Gale
- Type of resource:
- Encyclopedias
The Encyclopedia contains articles written by leading scholars of Oklahoma's past and culture. Articles can be searched or browsed by subject and historical period. The Encyclopedia is published by the Oklahoma Historical Society.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Oklahoma Historical Society
- Type of resource:
- Biographies
- Encyclopedias
This database offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Full-text essays, articles, reports and reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Journals
- Newspapers
- Pro & Con
- Recently Added
The Gateway is an online repository of Oklahoma history which makes it easy to browse through hundreds of thousands of historic newspaper pages dating from the 1840s to the 1920s.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Oklahoma Historical Society
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
- Primary Sources
Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and much more. Historical Abstracts indexes historical articles from thousands of journals and provides the full text of over 300 journals.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Journals
From the publisher: "LitBase is a world literature database with a modern search experience. A curated collection of critical primary texts and secondary sources, it supports research of the most studied authors, poetry, fiction, plays, and creative nonfiction worldwide. Students, researchers and faculty will benefit from the global nature of this vast literature database covering diverse authors and genres. LitBase includes over 425,000 primary sources, 100,000 secondary and reference sources, and hundreds of full-text scholarly journals and literary magazines to support literature research." More info about LitBase …
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- History
- Language & Literature
- Art
- Music
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Primary Sources
This collection provides more than 1.8 million pages of original historical documents pertaining to Native American history and life from the 18th through the 20th century. The collection includes treaties, agreements, and correspondence indexed by date, place, and tribe.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher:
- Type of resource:
- Journals
- Primary Sources
Read the latest reviews from the online edition of the New York Times Book Review. The NYT Book Review is a weekly supplement to the Sunday edition of the New York Times, and offers reviews of current non-fiction and fiction books. It is one of the most influential and widely read book review publications in the industry. Search full text reviews from Jan. 3, 1988 to the present (some reviews published between Jan. 1, 1997 - Dec. 31, 2006 are not available). To browse and search older content go to U.S. Major Dailies.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: New York Times
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
Search or browse the full text of the New York Times from 1851–2019.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- General Topics
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: ProQuest
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
Read the latest articles from the online edition of the New York Times Magazine. This magazine is a supplement to the Sunday edition of the New York Times. It features articles longer than those typically in the newspaper. Search full text news articles from Jan 5, 1997 to the present. To browse and search older articles go to U.S. Major Dailies.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: New York Times
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
Access early Oklahoma newspapers, thousands of historic public records, photos, oral histories, and highlights from the video archives of television stations WKY, KTVY, and KFOR.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Oklahoma Historical Society
- Type of resource:
- Images
- Journals
- Primary Sources
- Videos
A multimedia archive devoted to the Supreme Court of the United States. It aims to be a complete and authoritative source for all audio recorded in the Court since the installation of a recording system in October, 1955. Oyez also provides authoritative information on all justices and offers a virtual reality tour of portions of the Supreme Court building, including the chambers of some justices.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Chicago-Kent College of Law at IllinoisTech
- Type of resource:
- Music Streaming & Audiobooks
- Primary Sources
With hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, Religion and Philosophy Collection provides an in-depth collection of resources covering topics such as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Language & Literature
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Journals
The Orderly Books collection contains handwritten volumes documenting military orders, movements and engagements by brigade, regiment, company, and other specific military units between 1748 and 1817. The content provides detailed accounts of troops’ daily lives, documenting everything from court martial cases to the price of necessities charged by locals. Given the dearth of soldiers’ diaries, Orderly Books provides historically valuable information about soldiers’ lives.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: New York Historical Society
- Type of resource:
- Primary Sources
Search and browse these Salem History titles and series:
- The 50 States
- The Decades series
- Defining Documents in American History
- Encyclopedia of American Immigration
- Great Events from History
- Great Lives from History
- The Innovators series
- and more …
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Political Science
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Salem Press
- Type of resource:
- Biographies
- Encyclopedias
- Primary Sources
- Statistics & Data
This multidisciplinary collection includes thousands of ebooks covering a wide array of academic subjects and features ebooks from leading publishers and university presses. All ebooks in this collection have unlimited user access.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Academic Search Premier replaced Academic Search Complete on 1/1/2024. More info …
Academic Search Premier provides fast access to articles from thousands of full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers across a wide range of topics, including the STEM disciplines, healthcare, education, social sciences, and the humanities. Along with hundreds of full-text periodicals, ASP has indexes and abstracts for thousands of articles which can be requested via interlibrary loan.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Journals
The U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics collects, analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.
- Subject area(s):
- Parks & Recreation
- Political Science
- History
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: U.S. Department of Justice
- Type of resource:
- Statistics & Data
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. Its mission is to collect, analyze, and disseminate essential economic information to support public and private decision making.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Political Science
- History
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: U.S. Department of Labor
- Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
- Type of resource:
- Statistics & Data
DiscoverGov provides simple, one-stop searching across multiple U.S. Federal Government databases including GPO's Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) and GovInfo. DiscoverGov will retrieve reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources and publications available online.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Business
- Education
- History
- Political Science
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: U.S. Government Publishing Office
- Publisher: U.S. Government Publishing Office
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Primary Sources
- Statistics & Data
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a multidisciplinary collection of reference ebooks. Areas of coverage include zoology, history, and the social sciences.
- Subject area(s):
- Biology
- General Topics
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Gale Cengage Learning
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Encyclopedias
Headline News from U.S. Major Dailies
Read the fulltext of the latest news stories from these major newspapers, courtesy of U.S. Major Dailies:
- Chicago Tribune
- Los Angeles Times
- New York Times
- New York Times Book Review
- New York Times Magazine
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
(FYI: Did you know U.S. Major Dailies from the Al Harris Library and ProQuest saves you $1,300/year versus buying your own subscriptions?)
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- General Topics
- Political Science
- History
- Language & Literature
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: ProQuest
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
Access to more than two million images from some of the best collections in the world, including DK Images, Getty Images, the National Geographic Society, Oxford Scientific, and other leading sources. Image Quest is organized by subject matter and full searchable. All images are licensed for non-commercial educational use.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
- Type of resource:
- Images
Issues and Controversies provides up-to-date, in-depth and objective information on prominent and hotly debated issues. It combines objective analysis with clear explanations of opposing points of view. Chronologies, illustrations, maps, tables, sidebars, bibliographies and contact information augment the balanced, accurate coverage of current and historical events.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Political Science
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Infobase Learning
- Type of resource:
- Pro & Con
- Statistics & Data
JSTOR is a digital library with thousands of full-text academic journals, books, and primary sources. Subjects covered in JSTOR include area studies, the arts, business and economics, history, the humanities, law, medicine and allied health, science and mathematics, and the social sciences.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: JSTOR
- Type of resource:
- Journals
Swank Digital Campus provides streaming access to movies, documentaries, and TV shows from major Hollywood studios, as well as many independent and international filmmakers and studios. Titles are made available to SWOSU students at the request of instructors.
Instructors: See this page for instructions on setting up a Swank Digital Campus instructor account. Click here to browse the full Swank catalog, which offers over 25,000 films, documentaries, and TV shows. To request a Swank video for your course, make a request through your Swank account or contact the Library Director.
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- Language & Literature
- Music
- Art
- Business
- General Topics
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.
- Publisher: Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.
- Type of resource:
- Recently Added
- Videos
Read the latest business news from the online edition of the Wall Street Journal. Search full text news articles from Jan 8, 2010 to the present. To browse and search older articles go to U.S. Major Dailies.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Communication & Theater
- General Topics
- Political Science
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: Wall Street Journal
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers
Read the latest news from the online edition of the Washington Post. Search full text news articles from May 21, 2016 to the present. To browse and search older articles go to U.S. Major Dailies.
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- General Topics
- Political Science
- Business
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: Washington Post
- Type of resource:
- Newspapers