ABC-CLIO Greenwood Press publishes biographies of major current and historical figures, as well as titles covering current affairs in politics and culture.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: ABC-CLIO Greenwood
- Type of resource:
- Biographies
- Ebooks
This multidisciplinary collection includes thousands of ebooks covering a wide array of academic subjects and features ebooks from leading publishers and university presses. All ebooks in this collection have unlimited user access.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
With AccessPharmacy, you can browse core pharmacy curriculum topics, browse by organ system, review textbooks, and search across leading pharmacy online references. AccessPharmacy includes drug monographs, information on common diagnostic tests, calculators, and a wide variety of cases and care plans. At the core of AccessPharmacy is a set of over 20 pharmacy and medical references.
- Subject area(s):
- Pharmacy
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Core AccessPharmacy titles:
- Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach
- Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach
- Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
- Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
- Casarett and Doull's Essentials of Toxicology
- CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care
- Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists
- Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology
- Pharmacy and Federal Drug Law Review
- Pharmacy Student Survival Guide
- Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
This resource provides full text and indexing to major periodicals for art scholars, artists, designers, college students, and general researchers. Art and Architecture Complete also provides 150+ full text books. Use this database to research antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design, and much more.
Browse 40+ full-text ebooks from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. The collection is divided into two sets (with some overlap): the Core Collection and the Student Collection. Click the More tab to see the titles list. ASHP ebooks can be read online or downloaded as PDF or EPUB files.
- Subject area(s):
- Pharmacy
- Nursing & Allied Health
As of Fall 2017 the ASHP Ebook Collection contains these titles:
Core Collection
- Anticoagulation Therapy
- Assuring Continuous Compliance with Joint Commission Standards
- Basic Concepts in Medicinal Chemistry
- Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Compounding Sterile Preparations
- Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Demystifying Opioid Conversion Calculations
- Drug-Induced Diseases
- Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs
- Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy
- Interpreting Laboratory Data
- Letters to a Young Pharmacist
- Medication Safety Officer's Handbook
- Medicinal Chemistry Self Assessment
- Pediatric Injectable Drugs (The Teddy Bear Book)
- Preceptor's Handbook for Pharmacists
- Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials
- Smart Infusion Pumps
- Wisdom from the Pharmacy Leadership Trenches
Student Collection
- Applying Parenteral Stability Data in Patient Care
- Basic & Applied Pharmacokinetics Self Assessment
- Basic Concepts in Medicinal Chemistry
- Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data
- Career Paths in Academic Pharmacy
- Career Paths in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy
- Career Paths in Community Pharmacy
- Career Paths in Industry and Population Health
- Career Paths in Inpatient Care
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Compounding Sterile Preparations
- Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Concepts in Pharmacogenomics
- Dyslipidemia
- Evaluating Mobile Medical Applications
- Evaluating Patients for Drug-Induced Disease
- Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy
- G-Code 2014
- Get the Residency
- Hypertensive Crisis
- Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment
- Interpreting Pediatric Laboratory Data
- Introduction to Acute and Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice
- Introduction to Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy Practice
- Letters from Rising Pharmacy Stars
- Letters to a Young Pharmacist
- Maximize Your Rotations
- Medicinal Chemistry Self Assessment
- NICU Primer for Pharmacists
- Patient-Centered Care for Pharmacists
- Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment
- Pharmacy in Public Health
- The Conscience of a Pharmacist
- The Pharmacist's Guide to Evidence Based Medicine for Clinical Decision Making
- The Pharmacist’s Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy and Stewardship
- The Pharmacy Leadership Field Guide
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: 10
- Vendor: ASHP
- Publisher: ASHP
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Consumer Health Complete provides consumer-oriented health content that's designed to support the information needs of patients and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. CHC provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. It contains the full text of more than 250 health reference books and encyclopedias, as well as thousands of images and videos.
- Subject area(s):
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Pharmacy
- Psychology
The DPLA brings together digitized works from America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes these materials freely available. Use the DPLA to find written works (including articles, books, and plays), photographs, videos, sound recordings, and data sets.
- Subject area(s):
- History
- Language & Literature
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: DPLA
- Publisher: DPLA
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Images
- Journals
- Primary Sources
DiscoverGov provides simple, one-stop searching across multiple U.S. Federal Government databases including GPO's Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) and GovInfo. DiscoverGov will retrieve reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources and publications available online.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Business
- Education
- History
- Political Science
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: U.S. Government Publishing Office
- Publisher: U.S. Government Publishing Office
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Primary Sources
- Statistics & Data
ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary) provides thousands of ebooks in a broad range of subject areas, including business, technology, health and medicine, literature and the humanities, physical sciences, social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. Many Ebook Central titles can be downloaded and read off-line using Adobe Digital Editions.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: ProQuest
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Search, browse, and read the complete text of thousands of ebooks. EBSCO's eBook Collection has titles from major scholarly, academic, and technical publishers such as Cambridge University Press, the University of Oklahoma Press, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, O'Reilly, and many more. Books can be downloaded for off-line reading on Windows and Macs using Adobe Digital Editions.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
Some ebooks may only allow one user to view the book at a time. eBook Collection was previously named NetLibrary.
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a multidisciplinary collection of reference ebooks. Areas of coverage include zoology, history, and the social sciences.
- Subject area(s):
- Biology
- General Topics
- History
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Gale Cengage Learning
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Encyclopedias
This resource is a collection of digital ebooks created from the collections of major research libraries. Thousands of public domain works can be searched and viewed online.
Important: Not every book in Hathi is available in full text. See the User's Guide to HathiTrust (PDF) for more information. SWOSU students and employees can request a copy of any title which is not in full text by filling out the library's interlibrary loan form.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Publisher: HathiTrust
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
This resource offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every craftsperson and hobbyist. There's full text from magazines and books covering many interests, including arts and crafts, outdoor recreation, photography, LEGO, robotics, and much more.
- Subject area(s):
- Art
- Communication & Theater
- Education
- Music
- Technology
This resource provides comprehensive full-text detailed “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects, as well as valuable information for facility maintainers. The content includes over 130 reference books and videos of over 100 repair projects.
- Subject area(s):
- Parks & Recreation
- Technology
This resource offers everyday users the necessary tools and detailed how-to instructions covering a wide-range of legal issues. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses. The Legal Forms by U.S. State feature makes it simple to find state-specific legal forms by top subject areas including adoption, bankruptcy, name changes and more.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Parks & Recreation
- Political Science
- Education
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Libby by OverDrive offers thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines that you can use online or through the Libby app on your phone or tablet. Libby is easy to use, and you can check out titles for 21 days. Libby's ebooks include popular fiction (including recent bestsellers) and nonfiction titles covering a vast array of topics, including history, business, science, and technology.
Download the Libby mobile app to get ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your phone or tablet.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: OverDrive
- Publisher: OverDrive
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Choose a link below to download an app for Headline News from U.S. Major Dailies.
From the publisher: "LitBase is a world literature database with a modern search experience. A curated collection of critical primary texts and secondary sources, it supports research of the most studied authors, poetry, fiction, plays, and creative nonfiction worldwide. Students, researchers and faculty will benefit from the global nature of this vast literature database covering diverse authors and genres. LitBase includes over 425,000 primary sources, 100,000 secondary and reference sources, and hundreds of full-text scholarly journals and literary magazines to support literature research." More info about LitBase …
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- History
- Language & Literature
- Art
- Music
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Primary Sources
LRS is a comprehensive literary reference database which provides a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day. LRS is a completely full-text database that combines information from over 1,000 books and monographs, major literary encyclopedias and reference works, hundreds of literary journals, and unique sources not available anywhere else. MagillOnLiterature Plus is included in LRS.
- Subject area(s):
- Language & Literature
- Communication & Theater
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Encyclopedias
- Journals
Designed specifically for high school teachers and students, MAS Complete covers a wide range of subject areas that are of interest to high school students including art, history, sports, music, film, travel, science, the Internet, fashion, religion, nature, hobbies, current events, fiction and much more. MAS Complete has full-text for hundreds of high school magazines and reference books, as well as photos and graphics.
- Subject area(s):
- Education
- General Topics
- Language & Literature
The Merck Manual describes symptoms, common clinical procedures, laboratory tests, and virtually all the disorders that a general internist might encounter. The Manual also deals with problems of pregnancy and delivery; common and serious disorders of neonates, infants, and children; genetics; drug dependency; psychiatric disorders; and many disorders covered by other specialties.
- Subject area(s):
- Pharmacy
- Nursing & Allied Health
See The Merck Veterinary Manual for animal health information.
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Merck
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Encyclopedias
Mometrix offers over 4,500 study guide, practice test, and flashcard titles for 1,500+ different exams. Use Mometrix to study for advanced placement exams (including CLEP and AP), admission exams (including GMAT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT, PCAT, etc.), and professional exams (including CPA, NAPLEX, NCLEX, Praxis, etc.). If you need a study guide, you're likely to find what you need in Mometrix.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Education
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Pharmacy
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: Mometrix
- Publisher: Mometrix
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Recently Added
- Tutorials & Test Prep
One Business from ProQuest offers company, industry, and country reports from providers such as Fitch Solutions and Economist Intelligence Unit; and in-depth analyst reports from J. P. Morgan. One Business includes these resources:
- Scholarly journal and ebook coverage from hundreds of publishers.
- Full text of the three major global business news sources: the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and the Financial Times.
- A robust collection of videos, including interviews with business leaders, case studies, and training.
Read this brochure to learn more about ProQuest One Business. (PDF)
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Computer Science
- General Topics
- Technology
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: ProQuest
- Publisher: ProQuest
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Statistics & Data
Open Dissertations provides citations (and, when available, full-text links) for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world.
- Subject area(s):
- General Topics
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
Project Gutenberg provides free ebooks for works in the public domain. Authors include Shakespeare, Poe, Dante, Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jane Austen, and many others. Due to copyright restrictions, most works in Project Gutenberg were published prior to 1923.
- Subject area(s):
- Language & Literature
- No restrictions; available to everyone.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Project Gutenberg
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
R2 Digital Library hosts a selection of biomedical ebooks for pharmacy, nursing, and other health sciences. R2 offers ebooks from many leading biomedical publishers, including the American Nurses Association, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Elsevier, Wiley-Blackwell, and others. Watch this 2-minute tutorial to get started using R2.
- Subject area(s):
- Kinesiology
- Nursing & Allied Health
- Pharmacy
- Psychology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: Unlimited
- Vendor: Rittenhouse
- Publisher: Rittenhouse
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
SAGE Business Cases offers over 3,000 peer-reviewed business case studies. Use SAGE Business Cases to:
- Quickly and easily find authoritative cases for independent study, in-class lecture, or assigned reading.
- Explore real-life examples of successes and failures in the global business world.
- Develop and foster practical business decision-making and analytical skills.
Instructors: Contact Ms. Katherine Tennison for access to case study teaching notes.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
- Technology
- Psychology
Online access to the Salem Press Critical Insights reference series. Critical Insights titles cover famous authors, landmark literary works, and important literary themes.
- Subject area(s):
- Language & Literature
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Publisher: Salem Press
- Type of resource:
- Biographies
- Ebooks
- Encyclopedias
Small Business Source provides up-to-date information on topics related to starting a company, operations management, sales, and growing or rescuing a business. SBS includes ebooks, full-text periodicals, and over 170 videos on creating and maintaining a successful business.
- Subject area(s):
- Business
SocINDEX is a comprehensive sociology research database. Topics include criminal justice, demography, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, marriage and family, religion, social development, social psychology, social work, substance abuse and addiction, violence, and many others.
- Subject area(s):
- Parks & Recreation
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Education
- Nursing & Allied Health