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From the publisher: "LitBase is a world literature database with a modern search experience. A curated collection of critical primary texts and secondary sources, it supports research of the most studied authors, poetry, fiction, plays, and creative nonfiction worldwide. Students, researchers and faculty will benefit from the global nature of this vast literature database covering diverse authors and genres. LitBase includes over 425,000 primary sources, 100,000 secondary and reference sources, and hundreds of full-text scholarly journals and literary magazines to support literature research." More info about LitBase …
- Subject area(s):
- Communication & Theater
- History
- Language & Literature
- Art
- Music
- Access is limited to SWOSU students and employees.
- Simultaneous users: unlimited
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Publisher: EBSCO
- Type of resource:
- Ebooks
- Journals
- Primary Sources