Library computer users must
- Be at least 18 years old or be an enrolled SWOSU student.
- If under 18 the user must be attending a university-sponsored event or be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or teacher.
Class and academic computer use takes precedence over usage for entertainment, email, or chat.
- Patrons using library computers for entertainment, email, or chat may be asked to give up their computers to patrons who need computers for academic purposes.
Library computers users are encouraged to read the SWOSU Libraries Privacy Statement.
SWOSU Computing Policy
Computing services at Southwestern Oklahoma State University are provided to promote administrative, educational, and research efforts of the faculty, students, and staff. All persons utilizing these services are responsible to ensure that computing resources are used in an ethical and lawful manner. The following basic principles and examples provide a general framework for determining acceptable behavior and conduct when using university provided computing resources.
Use university computing resources for appropriate university activities only.
- University computer systems shall not be used for commercial purposes.
- Unauthorized copies of copyrighted material shall not be created, distributed, or knowingly utilized.
Do no harm to the computing environment.
- Users shall not deliberately attempt to degrade system performance or capability.
- Users should avoid (or schedule for off peak hours) intense computing activities which would degrade system performance.
Do no harm to other system users.
- Obscene, offensive, threatening, harassing, or intimidating material shall not be entered into the computer or sent by electronic means.
- Users shall not examine, change, or use another person's (or institutional) username, password, files, or e-mail. Users shall always identify themselves appropriately and undertake no activities anonymously.
- Users are responsible for all usage of their accounts. They should never permit other persons to use their accounts.
- Electronic media on all SWOSU systems is as private as we can make it. System administrators will not read another person's data unless necessary in the course of their duties and will treat the content of that data as confidential information at all times. Attempts by any person to access another person's electronic information or systems information and parameters will be treated with the utmost seriousness.
Violations of these policies by faculty, students, or staff will result in the revocation of computer privileges. In addition, such actions may result in disciplinary review, sanctions, dismissal from the University, and legal action. Violations of the above policies may constitute a criminal offense, punishable by local, state, or federal law.