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Al Harris Library Huddle Room (AHL 220)


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The library currently has no air conditioning. Please read this before you visit »

AHL 220 (Huddle Room) features wall-to-wall dry erase boards, a large monitor for presentations, and seating for small groups. AHL 220 is on the north end of the 2nd floor adjacent to the stairwell.


  • Reservations are required.
    • Reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. You can check when AHL 220 is available and make your reservation with the online reservation form. You may also reserve AHL 220 by visiting the Al Harris Library Circulation Desk or calling the library at (580)774-3730.
    • Preference will be given to groups over individuals.
    • Your reservation will not be held for more than 15 minutes past the start of the time you’ve requested.
    • Reservations cannot exceed three hours at a time or six hours in a single day. Unaffiliated patrons may reserve the room for up to one hour.
    • Reservations must begin and end between scheduled Al Harris Library hours.
    • Ask for the key to AHL 220 at the Circulation Desk. You must have a photo ID. AHL 220 is kept locked when not in use.
    • The library reserves the right to cancel your reservation if you fail to follow the library’s policies.
  • AHL 220 has an occupancy limit of 10 persons.
  • Food and drinks are allowed per the library’s Food and Drink Policy. It's your responsibility to keep the room clean and throw away your trash before leaving.
  • Leave the room ready for use by the next group: put the chairs back in place, wipe the whiteboards clean, lock the door, and return the room key to the Circulation Desk.
  • Keep the volume on the monitor low so that you don’t disturb other library patrons.
  • Report problems with equipment to the Circulation Desk.