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Al Harris Library Instruction Room Guidelines


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Studying late? The library is open until 2am through Wed., Dec. 11. See our schedule ยป

Library Instruction Room

The Library Instruction Room has 15 PCs and 10 laptops with Windows and Microsoft Office. The room also has a printer, a ceiling-mounted LCD projector, and an instructor's workstation station equipped with an Elmo presenter. There is a large rolling dry erase board and wall-mounted dry erase boards on the south wall.

The Library Instruction Room is designed to give students hands-on training on library databases and the Internet in an interactive classroom environment. Students may work at the PCs individually or in pairs, so groups of 30 students or smaller are optimal. There are large library tables in the back of the room for group work away from the PCs.

Instruction by Library Faculty

The Library Instruction Program is based on the Association of College and Research Libraries' Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. For more information contact Instructional Services Librarian Frederic Murray.

To schedule library instruction for your students, fill out the Instruction Request Form.

Usage by SWOSU Faculty

Faculty may use the Instruction Room for library-related instruction and activities. Use of the Library Instruction Room is intended to be a supplement to course curricula. Due to scheduling conflicts with the Library Instruction Program, the Instruction Room cannot be scheduled for consecutive uses outside of library research. Please note that faculty can be "bumped" from the Instruction Room if a scheduling conflict arises with the Library Instruction Program. Library faculty will try to provide at least one week advance notice of this scheduling change so that instructors may make alternate arrangements.

Fill out the Instruction Request Form to reserve a time in the Instruction Room for your students.

Library Instruction Room instructor responsibilities:

  • Know how to use Microsoft Windows, the LCD projector, and the Elmo presenter. Instructions on the room equipment are at the instructor's workstation. If you need assistance with the equipment call the Instructional Services Librarian at 7113. If the computers or projector aren't working call the Systems Dept. at 7069 or 7074.
  • Do not leave the room unattended.
  • Place library materials brought to the Instruction Room on any table outside the room for reshelving.
  • Turn off the LCD projector and the room lights when the class is over.
  • Lock the door when your students leave.
  • Return the room key to the Circulation Desk.

High Schools

Southwestern Oklahoma State University welcomes the use of the Al Harris Library by students and teachers from area high schools. Information for high school teachers can be found here.